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PA Treble key repair

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Jun 3, 2020
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Warwick, Queensland, Australia
I have an Excelsior accordion that belonged to my father and dates from the late 50s. It has "Mother of Pearl" look keys, which I have discovered is achieved by a layer of plastic film (or maybe acetate?) over the plastic key. I've discovered this because the film on one of the keys has become loose. Does anyone know what I can reglue this down with? Any advice appreciated. (Pic attached)

A 70 year old stick on product. Your fortunate these stickers have lasted this long. Removing them will produce the original
white key tops. VM&P Naphtha will aid in the removal & clean the residue.
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Hi Jim, I really appreciate your quick response. Not sure what you mean by a stick on product though - do you mean they were added after the product was manufactured? I see plenty of Excelsior accordion models from this period seem to have this finish to their keys. I've just had another look and it seems to me that the key underneath is slightly indented, as though it was designed to have this finish applied to make the key flat... I'm worried that if I remove the tops the indentation in the keys would make for an odd playing experience...
If removing the layers concerns you - go ahead and repair the loose one with super glue.
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