• If you haven't done so already, please add a location to your profile. This helps when people are trying to assist you, suggest resources, etc. Thanks
  • We're having a little contest, running until 15th May. Please feel free to enter - see the thread in the "I Did That" section of the forum. Don't be shy, have a go!

Hope for the future!

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There is! Glad to see all these young players performing to a really good standard - she must only be about 12 or so. Dont know where all the teachers are though, must be somewhere!

WOW! Impressive! I loved it!!! We need more young accordionists!!!
Very nicely played. She looked so relaxed considering it was a competition. Bravo.
Bravo, bis !
I love to watch this, this video is so stimulating for those who want to learn accordion. Seeing what's possible for kids to achieve on accordions.
We want more, we want more...
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