This thread seems to have mainly focused on the respective merits of playing by ear or from the dots both of which at their most basic are merely a means of installing the wherewithal of a tune, piece, or whatever you want to call it, in the brain ( the processor). One is a direct visulal route into the processor whilst the other involves transferring info from the built in storage (memory) to the active part of the processor. From that point on both follow the same route i.e messages sent down arms with instructions to fingers as to how to operate the box for the required tune.
Both of these methods also require the addition active listening skills as an integral part of good musicianship
I think of this in terms of ''active continuous feedback loops''
1, (in any order) brain, arm, box, ear,brain, arm, box, ear etc etc.
2. If playing with other musicians an additional concurrant aural loop is required brain, arm, other musician(s) band leader etc, ear, brain, arm , box etc
3. If playing for dancer a concurrant visual loop is required brain, arm , dancers (visual) brain arm box, dancers
4. If accompanying a singer another aural loop comes in concurrently with 1 plus possible 2 & 3 giving a possible concurrant set of 4 feedback loops operating concurrently.
Irrespective of site reading skills or the ability to learn tunes by ear aand memorise them it is finely honed listening skills that put the icing on the cakeĀ¬