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Switching between ( your own ) accordions

Do others find that switching accordions affects their playing ability?

I got used to it after a long while (couple of years), now it hardly affects me at all
furthermore, if I pick up a new accordion / somebody else's, I will play it fairly easily
I have 3 accordions. FR4 PA FR8 PA Scandalli Air III CBA C-griff. I have only been playing for 14 months so I haven't got that much to unlearn. The Scandalli is really new, like a week. I was in Paris for 3 months and played a rented Hohner Bravo III PA and it took me a day to get comfortable back on my Rolands. The CBA is feeling pretty good so far and is so different from the PAs that there is no adjustment necessary. I try to play a PA and the CBA every day.