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midi accordion contacts

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Prolific poster
May 22, 2016
Reaction score
Near Edinburgh. Scotland.
I presently have a full size Elkavox with a full Musictech midi system for repair. It suffered a fall while its owner was replacing a battery in the bass end of the accordion. (The battery has no connection with the midi system.) He said the magnetic contacts (hall effect transistor and magnet) were pushed in and attempted, unsuccessfully, to re-align and adjust them.
The fundamental basses have responded to adjustment and play well but the chords remain unplayable. I am aware that the fundamental bass contact is made when the magnet goes toward the transistor and the chord contact when the magnet moves away from the transistor. If anybody has experience of adjusting this system I would be pleased to hear how I can restore the chords.
Friday 27th. May. This problem is becoming a challenge. Ive checked the wiring harness through the bellows, all connections between the bass end and the processor in the treble end; theres no inadvertent contact between the PCBs etc and the metal moving parts of the bass. The cleaning of the solder flux residue between the transistor legs, which can be a problem has been removed. This all resulted in more chord notes playing but in a random, unreliable fashion.
Friday 27th.May (later). I have tested transistor soldered joints for faults i.e. dry joints with standard aerosol freezing process without success.
There must be somebody out there who has knowledge of Musictech systems.
Hopefully to help jog somebodys memory I have uploaded a photo:

Glad it's sorted. Accordion repair man or electronics techie?
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