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How far can you go?

but like the Accordion era pre-Beatles, the great heydey of Passenger Trains
in the USA has passed..

That’s a huge shame. We’ve relied on trains to get around many parts of Europe when on vacation. Most of the time I rent a car for at least part of the time to explore the countryside, but the last trip to Italy was all train and bus. A simple, painless, and inexpensive way to travel.

Here, most of the time where we live it’s automobile or nothing. Can’t even get to the bus station without a car.

So be it, I am retired and dwelling on "4 hours of music in 6 months" rather than trying to get politicians to fund passenger rail......
If asked which was the more noble endeavor today, I would have to say your current challenge, since at least now you can get and give some pleasure in accomplishing that instead of knocking your head against an invisible wall. :D
If asked which was the more noble endeavor today, I would have to say your current challenge, since at least now you can get and give some pleasure in accomplishing that instead of knocking your head against an invisible wall. :D
True! But at least I got to buy some nice accordions….and it was fun to work on big projects that did get done in my tenure.