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Current Map of US and Canada Accordion Shops/Repairpeople - Input needed

Liberty Bellows in Philadelphia and there is a dealer/repair person in Miami but I don’t know his name.There is also a repair person near Orlando,Florida who sounds more affordable. I didn’t feel entirely great about the fellow in Miami.
Liberty Bellows in Philadelphia and there is a dealer/repair person in Miami but I don’t know his name.There is also a repair person near Orlando,Florida who sounds more affordable. I didn’t feel entirely great about the fellow in Miami.
Please let me know if you find the details of these Floridian repairers.
I noticed Free Reed in Montpelier, Vermont was already on the spreadsheet, but I wanted to give the owner Nathan Longo some attention for those of us in Vermont and New England. I was there twice (for maintenance of 2 accordions) and it was wonderful sitting in his little shop talking accordions. He opens up the accordions for you and even makes repairs on the spot when he can. I learned so much from those two visits and plan on going back for some bench time and education soon. He also sells used accordions.
