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Where do I get a Moschino Free Bass ?

Hi Will, it's great to hear of folk who want to learn to play free bass and especially when they have a desire to forge their own musical path.

It is my understanding that Siwa & Figli can build you a Moschino. I believe Moschino's also sometimes appear on the North American secondary market - Reverb etc.

Maybe @tcabot can give more ideas too.

Good luck.
Where do I get a Moschino free bass, full size, with complete basses?
Try to contact Dallas Vietty. Mr. Secor left him some Moschino accordions. There’s also one on display in the Accordion Museum in Superior, Wisconsin, but I doubt that Ms. Harrington would be willing to part with it. Good luck!👍🏿
Try contacting this accordion dealer. They are in the USA, east coast. They are a Siwa & Figli dealer and may be able to help find what you are looking for.

If interested, they are in Flemington, NJ. I tried before but couldn’t find the location on the web site so I finally sent an email. (I didn’t try calling)