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Rumberger Accordion Microphone system

The demo (from 5 years ago) sounds nice. (Of course the demo was done with a very nice accordion...)
This system is very similar in approach to the Microvox system. The Rumberger system is more elaborate (more controls than just volume) but looking at the specs that is at the expense of how long the battery lasts (20 hours? that's not a lot).
Microvox has a system with such a bar that holds the battery and controls, but I prefer to keep the bar as slim (and unobtrusive) as possible and have power and controls elsewhere. Their slim bar does that. Still, this does look like a nice system (and with 6 capsules in the largest module) and may be an option for people who do not wish to mess with a built-in (or just want to have something they can move between accordions).
I briefly looked for price info and was shocked to find how incredibly expensive this is... (like 600 euro for the smallest model... seriously?)