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Roland Fr3X

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Just got myself a new Roland and it's amazing in my view. Still getting used to playing it as it is a world away from my existing Hohner Atlantic 1V.

I have searched the manual but I cannot find instructions on how to bring up the "Software version Number" It will be a key combination but which ones?

Thanks for any help.

Thanks for reminding me. I saw that the other day but it went completely out of mind.

bobellboy said:
Thanks for reminding me. I saw that the other day but it went completely out of mind.


Your next best move should be to acquire these amazing sets from Richard Noel.http://www.noelaccordion.com/documents/3x%20by%20Noel.pdf
It will transform your FR3-X into much more than you or the original makers could have imagined.
It`s a downright shame if Roland dealers dont have these sets programmed into their demo instruments.
Not sure of other dealers, but at https://www.falcettimusic.com/ we do down load free unique user sets in all V accordion models purchased. :tup:
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