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Porz Goret - Yann Tiersen

Well done! If you like that sort of music this is also a nice one and works well on an acoustic FB accordion.
Its easier in Ab rather than A (easier for thumbs in LH) and to swap the hands around. i.e. LH plays RH stave and RH plays LH stave

Well done! If you like that sort of music this is also a nice one and works well on an acoustic FB accordion.
Its easier in Ab rather than A (easier for thumbs in LH) and to swap the hands around. i.e. LH plays RH stave and RH plays LH stave

I was considering learning Penn Ar R'och

Philip Glass piece played by Hana Koskova...

I learnt this one - fantastic. You need to use free bass and also the root bass and counter bass for the loud bit. New technique for me!
Also suggest Etude no1, Closing from Mishima and Quartet no 2 as they all fit under the fingers neatly on an accordion although I imagine Quartet 2. is unplayable on a vertical piano thingy. :)