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Original Carbonara recipe

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I had the carbonara at a restaurant in Rome. (How could I not order it?) We met a large group of my family there. It was a great meal and a highlight of our trip.

I buy here - the prices are inexpensive.

I buy here - the prices are inexpensive.

I was just on there today buying some Kimbo espresso.
Che bella, grazie, ma per favore usa solo gli spaghetti Pastificio Faella da Gragnano! Il migliore! E mai il meatball e ananas ????????
Ottimi prodotti e le lorio carni sono eccellenti.
From memory, like such poverty foods as piaella, carbonara is made with whatever scraps of food are at hand.
I was told that it was originally created by an Italian charcoal burner during WWII as a meal for some hungry GIs who were fighting their way North.
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