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My new Monkey Island Barbery Coast cover

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Active member
Mar 18, 2015
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This tune was actually quite complicated to learn due to the moving bass parts and other coloring changes in the tune. To make them all together in a smooth way, but I think I succeded after almost 2 weeks of intensive practice of only this tune :p
Dont know if youve played the game series but it does not matter since music from these series is just awesome no matter what. Hope you enjoy my cover!
This is an interesting piece and you've got a decent collection of instruments there. Well done! :)
mgavrilov said:
This is an interesting piece and you've got a decent collection of instruments there. Well done! :)

Thanks! Yes I also think it's very interesting. It does not really follow any standard pattern in any way and it changes quite a lot during the tune! Would have worked  quite well also without the flutes, but I thought it made the tune even more interesting  :)
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