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Hello from Baltimore

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Hi...thanks Nathan for telling me about this site. I've started lessons on the PA and have
and am about 9 months into it. It's quite challenging and I love it. What's even more fun I think is seeing people's reactions when you mention you are learning to play the accordion!
Hi Jackie Welcome. You'll find like minded people here, tho' :)
Hi Jackie,

I had to smile when you mentioned peoples reactions to playing the accordion.
Sometimes I get the why look when I mention it or the following sort of joke:
One can always tell a gentleman when he says he can play the accordion but doesnt
Too funny Glen. When I told my brother he said" that's nice...I don't know why you'd want to do that but that's nice".
I'll bring it to the next family gathering and freak them all out:)
I'm so glad you made it here Jackie, since I joined the forum I have been able to cut a lot of corners, plus get lots of tips on playing.

It's a great community. Nice to have someone else on this side of the pond!

Yes Nathen...it is a great group. I have to figure out how this works...it's a little
confusing finding my way around. Kind of like the bass notes on my saltarelle:)
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