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Black Diamond Piano Accordion

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Oct 2, 2013
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United Kingdom
I'm very tempted to buy a Black Diamond 96 bass piano accordion as it seems very good value for money. However, I only have
their website and associated videos to go on. Does anyone have an opinion regarding this accordion. I think it is probably
tremolo tuned but not sure. Many thanks. JohnT
I have seen it endorsed as a good beginning to intermediate instrument by a shop (in Scotland?)
Try "Daddy Long Les" on Youtube he has a CBA and wrote very positively about it and Aftersales Suppport.
They also do a Try-before -you buy I believe.
Others have dismissed it for being Chinese - possibly a bit glib these days?
No personal stake or opinion.
Others will come along, but I understand the reeds are Italian made with assembly is China with added quality control, so a good starting model. They get good reviews or is it sales pitch...? Best Wishes.
Black Diamond accordions are made in Czeck Rebublic with Italian reeds. I've not heard of any made in China.
definitely made in china but certainly at the better end of the Chinese boxes as far as quality is concerned. However ( and it is perhaps too early to say for certain) they are likely to suffer from the heavy initial depreciation that is common to Chinese boxes. That of course may well be of no consequence to anybody intending keeping one for a long time!

My personal view is that often the money is better spent on a second hand better quality box

Black Diamond accordions are of China origin and made with up to date quality control. The build quality is not yet up to German or Italian makes but the prices are reasonable for a beginning student and having a local distributor in the UK such as Black Diamond should keep the resale and or trade in value up. Here in the US I always recommend purchasing a used reconditioned German or Italian accordion as a first choice. JIM D.
Thanks for your advice guys. Resale value is probably small so best to buy Italian. JohnT
Or German - not quite as good as Italian - but easier to find a good one at a reasonable price... :)
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