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Air leaking on the treble side

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Thanks for the pic's of your treble pallets. The accordion will still need a hands on inspection for a correct solution.
This one is a decent little box when in shape and is worth some time & parts to repair. If I may, take a guess at your
problem I would say it's your treble pallets leaking air. A fix can be done yourself and may I suggest you give this a
careful read. ----

It will give you a detailed fix and solution to your problem.
Thanks for the pic's of your treble pallets. The accordion will still need a hands on inspection for a correct solution.
This one is a decent little box when in shape and is worth some time & parts to repair. If I may, take a guess at your
problem I would say it's your treble pallets leaking air. A fix can be done yourself and may I suggest you give this a
careful read. ----

It will give you a detailed fix and solution to your problem.
Ok, I would like to know what's the price can be if to do this through accordion repair shop?
Thanks for the pic's of your treble pallets. The accordion will still need a hands on inspection for a correct solution.
This one is a decent little box when in shape and is worth some time & parts to repair. If I may, take a guess at your
problem I would say it's your treble pallets leaking air. A fix can be done yourself and may I suggest you give this a
careful read. ----

It will give you a detailed fix and solution to your problem.
Also, I noticed that when I play on low register (Bassoon) I hear some wssshhhh sound, then later I hear notes that I play. May be caused by air leaking on treble pallets?
Your getting there - read the article and go forward.
I have one more question regarding this topic. May register switch bar of the treble side produce air leaking?
I have one more question regarding this topic. May register switch bar of the treble side produce air leaking?
sometimes it leaks on this side.
Did you follow my advice in opening the bellows at max, and try to force close, to search the air leaks? I'm pretty sure you didn't... lot of users gave you advice in the process and you are still asking about prices... get it to an accordion technician.
Again an inspection will be necessary. You just might only need a liberal amount of reed wax applied to the seems to correct
your leak.
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