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how do i know what is the issue of my accordion air leaking?


Mar 18, 2024
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I try to improve my accordion bellow compression. After I changed the gasket tape, I can feel the compression on the push direction is really improved. But somehow, the pull direction feels way less compressed than push, the bellow will automatically open without press keys. The compression is not too bad, but still feel a little too easy to pull without any key. How to detect what is the next part i should check?

Thank you in advance for any suggestion!!
I try to improve my accordion bellow compression. After I changed the gasket tape, I can feel the compression on the push direction is really improved. But somehow, the pull direction feels way less compressed than push, the bellow will automatically open without press keys. The compression is not too bad, but still feel a little too easy to pull without any key. How to detect what is the next part i should check?

Thank you in advance for any suggestion!!
Welcome Eric!

It’s really hard to say without actually examining your accordion. Here are two things you can look into:

1. The “leathers” that cover the reeds can become curled, shrunk or otherwise deformed. In this case they do not completely cover the reed and allow air to leak.

2. The “pallets” that open and close over the air holes for each reed can likewise become dried or deformed, or do not securely close, likewise leaking air.

There could be other causes. Good luck!
thicker bellows tape

and check especially around the corners/curves that you got it right

under compression, you are naturally pushing the gasket a bit tighter
(if there is any tiny play in the gap)

under expansion, the valve pads are also under natural pressure to stay closed
and if any were misaligned or weak springs, they would make the compression worse,
not the expansion

so look more at places for air to leak such as the pins, strap screws, etc.
I agree with Ventura: When you pull you try to pull the treble (and bass) side away from the bellows frame so the gasket tape has to be thick enough to stay 100% sealed. Especially if there is any "play" in the bellow pins the tape may no longer seal. In almost all cases I use gasket tape with a thickness of 2mm, but if that doesn't seal properly they do sell tape that's 3mm thick. Also check that the wooden bellows frame and the rim of the treble (or bass) casing do not touch anywhere, preventing a good seal.