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Wireless update

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Prolific poster
Aug 24, 2017
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona
I use a Line 6 g10 for my v-accordion. Last night’s gig I experienced this on the second set, it started searching for a new channel for some reason. Which is a good feature on this unit as it can lock on any channel 1-14. As instructed, I plugged it into the base for 1 minute. It locked into a good channel. Then, it worked perfect.
A unit like this should be the last to turn on because it searches for the best channel. I think I neglected to do that as Midijet is manual select as well as the wireless mic. So much to learn on this wireless stuff...?...especially with multiple units on your gig...
Just thought I would share...
I had a once time a frequency search on the second night. Very little cut out. So what I have come to decision, plug the transmitter into the receiver on the break. Keeps it charge and if it needs frequency search, it will get latched on a clean frequency. So what does someone think of if there are cell phones in the area? Do you think this could effect our wireless system?
Cell phones should not really affect the units unless you are placing the cell on top of the transmitter.
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