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What was the intended market for two voice -120 bass?

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Ahh, so the accordion is an Estrella - Imported in the UK by Bell. that little plaque is a fancy version of the ones they nailed to Hohner Melodeons ..


  • Hohner_114C-Mel-3.jpg
    132.4 KB · Views: 504
Ahh! The plot thickens! I figured that the brand must be Bell, but the "musical instruments" suggesting possibly the importer, always made me wonder. And thought Estrella was maybe the model, or even possibly someones name? Spanish word for star apparently, which raised further questions to me..
Am realizing when I said "a 40's Italian Bell" I should have just said "An old accordion" :lol:

Had been led to assume/guess these things, but never been sure, hence my questioning really. Am really glad I asked about it now
So its an Estrella brand then, so am guessing it is italian? Given the "Italia?" Although thats a spanish name ? :? :)
And are they good?
Not that I'm worried about that of course, as far as I'm concerned its very good. Its just nice to know a bit about what you've got, as I'm sure most of you understand. :)
It is almost certainly Italian. I've not heard of Estrella as a company - but then.. it is before my time.. :D
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