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Verdi iii worth going for?

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Active member
Apr 8, 2019
Reaction score
Nanaimo, BC
Seem to be a lot of Verdis arround, in many different styles. A student quality accordion? Considering getting this one for a couple hundred. (Because I need a white accordion.) What do you think?

If it is in good shape, no repairs needed, go for it! I had one and liked it, nice light weight and a particular Hohner sound. Yes, maybe student level but I would buy another in perfect shape.
I would rate a Verdi above student level. The Verdi accordions of the generation after this one (different models, II, III, V, some with N suffix, some without) are certainly of good build quality. These are quite sturdy and also used by professionals on stage because they simply never fail. The Verdi II with 37 keys and 96 basses is quite popular. My wife played a Verdi V for years (41 keys, 120 bass, 4 voice LMMM).
Hohner has changed things between generations of accordions, and I have not seen the depicted generation (older than the ones I know) so I cannot be certain how good this one is. Also, you wouldn't want a very recent one as the production moved to China (and quality of the materials went down the drain).
In any case, I know quite a few people playing a Verdi (mostly a II N) and I have also worked on them. They are quite nice instruments.
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