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Traditional French Scottish Le Lezard

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
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Sebastopol, California
I've always loved this video of Cyrille Brotto playing the traditional French tune Le Lezard.
The type of tune is a scottish.
Thank you - A great example of the 'limitations of the diatonic.'
There are many reasons for liking CBAs and a limited diatonic is probably not one of them.
Some of the best dance music I ever heard was on a 2-row Hohner Polkawork.
Did any one ask Dizzy Gillespie why he never played chords?
Great, thanks 96! I agree with Dun that the "limitations" of the diatonic are overrated. Kind of like saying the mandolin is limited because it only has 4 (sets of) strings. Plenty of cultures get great bang for the buck: South Italian, TexMex, Gaúcho, Cajun, Irish just to name a few. I've got an original Corona 2 lurking in the closet wishing to be played. One of these years.... maybe when the pianos get too heavy...
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