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Thinking of buying need help

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Around april time I will have around £700=£800 pounds and I would like to buy an accordion. I am thinking of a good quality secondhand one and think this forum is the place to find the advice I need. I am thinking of one with 80 bass or more, German or Italian,and I would eventually like to play ballads as apposed to scottish and polkas so something with a mellow sound if that is possible.
I hope to teach myself so if you can recommend a good book that would help.
Don't know if you've already thought of it but could be worth looking for clubs in your area as well?
It's a good budget for a 2nd hand instrument - you'll have plenty of choice but you should probably try to get (the loan) of a student one first as many people a) give up
or b) they form a different view of what they want for the longer term.
So club is good, teacher that will lend you an instrument is even better, if you can find one.
google *accordion revival* and buy the book, it may cost you £20 but it will be worth every penny
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