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The Feel Good Factor (Part Two)

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Stephen Hawkins

Experienced Gentleman.
Jan 25, 2016
Reaction score
Lancashire, England.
You may recall my previous thread on this subject. (25/02/2017)

It is difficult to know how to measure success when dealing with dementia suffers, but my first session with them was not a failure. The biggest problem I encountered was the sad fact that volunteers outnumbered visitors by a considerable ratio.

The Methodist Minister who runs this event has decided to advertise it in the local press, and also to contact those people who have dropped off the radar recently. I have spoken to a few people who I believe can help, and await the results of my efforts.

I would like to say that I am confident of success, but it is too soon to predict what may come of it all. Later today I will contact other similar groups in the area to seek advice. Brenda is seeing to a couple of the Grandkids this afternoon, so I will have some time to devote to this project.

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