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The Dark Island

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Hi, I have checked the link and it appears to be working fine. I will re-post if necessary.

I don't normally have a problem opening video on this platform, or anywhere else, so I don't know where my problem is.
The 'Dark Island' is so iconic. It's been useful to me as a 'modern waltz' for long time. I have heard the composer Iain McLachlan
'live' a few times in Tobermory hostelries. I wonder if he got the royalties he deserved from this tune?
You can try my facebook page if you are still unable to get the sound.

Well done! A simple, tasteful treatment of 'Dark Island'. (The facebook connection worked. (Don't understand it as I'm not even on it)
Don't know why but the tune 'My mother' I thought was an old traditional tune. It's not far removed from the Irish tune of the same name which I believed to be 'traditional' as well.
"Brian, I can't get the music to play."
Not a problem here ?.
Well done!?
lovely tune

I was prepared for the scottish wet tuning, but it turned out dry
Didn't play for me either, embedded in the post. Had to right-click and open the frame in a new tab. That worked.
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