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Soundtrack Special from Galli-Rini

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Well-known member
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May 1, 2013
Reaction score
Provo, UT USA
Long shot here. :)
My teacher gave me a copy of something called "Soundtrack Special" from Galli-Rini to play.
It is a medley of a bunch of different songs and I am having a hard time as I cannot identify all of the songs and was wondering if anyone here has played it and can help.

So far I can pick out that it starts with the High Noon theme and ends with Rhapsody in blue, but that is about all I can pick out.

Any help would be appreciated.
Tried that, he doesn't remember what they are either. :confused:
One section that I am currently working on could be "Let me call you sweetheart", but really it only fits rhythmically and only somewhat melodically.
OK, so next question about this score.

I have been working from a copy that was edited (engraved/copied) by Donald Balestrienri, but I have been told that the original was hand printed by Galla-Rini and then Galla-Rini would make a copy and sell the copy of the handwritten version.

I would happily pay for a copy of the hand written version of this song if anyone has it or knows someone that does. I would even put a "finders fee" of $20usd for help locating a copy of the original manuscript.

PM me directly here.
So a copy of the score has been found and the $20 claimed. :)
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