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Sam N' Ash (mandolin and accordion duo)

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I meant to post this sooner but forgot... This is the duo that first made me really want to play accordion, so I thought Id share. They were musical guests on a podcast called Welcome to Night Vale, and as I recall, this is the song they played on it:

NICE accordion playing. I'm not so taken with the scrubby mandolin action, but it was easy enough to just focus on the squeezebox :)
Yep, good accordion. I don't think she'd like being called a scrubber.. :)
I like it. Playing with a guitat, banjo or mando is hard to keep that sort of beat going for the other insterment to lead off of. They are more percusive kind of like drums. So what you're playing over as the accordion player changes for them when it's the accordions turn to play back up. Just my 2 cents.
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