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Roland FR3-X Stereo seperation

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Hi everyone,

Does anyone know if I can completely separate the left and right side (discant and bass) with the 2 audio channels.

We tried it yesterday and for example with the bass side you always hear a part of the discant as well as the other way around. It is more quit but for us it makes no sense to use 2 audio channels if you cant completely separate them.

Thank you already guys!

Best regards
Yeah, this is a very old conversation that has been going on in various forums with many, many people for quite some time now.

The short answer is "no you cannot", because when you buy in to the Roland instrument, you buy in to their preferences of what stereo is or should sound like, and it's not just the FR-3x but all Roland V-accordions. You can get a lot of separation, but you will never get a 100% signal sent through one side and another sound through the other side with 100% controllability.

In a way, this has pissed off a lot of people, me being one of them, as I came from a background where I had total control of what goes where, and loved creating my own stereo images. Today, honestly, I could not care less. 98% of the people listening wouldn't be able to tell you if the accordion is coming out of one speaker at 90% or 100% and even fewer actually would care.

For live performance, there is very little you can do, but for recordings, you still can get total control by recording one instrument at a time in a multitrack environment and setting it up exactly as you wish via your choice of audio editing software.
Hi Jerry,

thank you for this answer.
Very sad to hear this (wanted to use it live). That´s why for me or let´s say for our mixer it is a big deal

But I will have to work with what we have.
Do you have any tips how I can accomplish this as separated as possible?
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