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Portable accordion sheet music, trumpet style?

I use this:
Through the hole I have a clothes button top that goes on my bellow clasp button base. Sometimes a piece of tape to hold it steady.
there is a point of diminishing returns here that would
send me in the direction of recruiting some rabid fan or
PennyLane type beauty to hold the booklet for me as i stroll..

which for Caroling around the tree yearly event here in town
the lovely assistant is one of the nicer ornaments we have and helps
guide the crowd to the correct page number..

and a 1 and a 2

I visited my optician at lunchtime, they're making up a pair of cheap spectacles at a suitable strength.

An assistant would be nice, but it would be good to be independent. I'm playing at the 'wassail' in two weeks and playing at 6 different locations, walking between.