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Courtesy of P & H course book 1 and Paint 3d
Yeah, the only way this layout is accurate and doesn't require any mental adjustment is by mimicking the act of looking at the button board, like in this picture.

It's way less intuitive when viewed from a frontal perspective.

In the vertical orientation, it's akin to observing someone in a playing position in front of the viewer. So, right and left are reversed.

I've never understood the advantage of a layout that requires me to imagine it reversed or to look at it from an angle...but I assume it's just a matter of personal preference and familiarity.
All images can be downloaded, click on the 120 bass chart to get the high-resolution image, then right-click and download.

As a beginner, thanks for these images.

One question: I’m using an iPad. When I click on the 120 bass chart, instead of seeing a higher resolution image I see a page with an error message, this:


Could this be because I’m accessing the site with the iPad? Should I try accessing from a laptop or desktop?

As a beginner, thanks for these images.

One question: I’m using an iPad. When I click on the 120 bass chart, instead of seeing a higher resolution image I see a page with an error message, this:

Could this be because I’m accessing the site with the iPad? Should I try accessing from a laptop or desktop?


Thank you for pointing this out!
Now, you should be able to open the image.
I’ve been trying to understand the so-called ‘Minor seventh hack’ and it’s your website that has enabled me to understand which bass buttons to press, and why, to get the minor sevenths. I’ve even put together a simple little table for quick reference until they stick in my memory. It’s all down to your explanations with graphics. It’s evident that there are a number of other Stradella chord combinations to explore in the future.

My eyesight needs the assistance of a sight test and a pair of new spectacles which is why, at first, I found it difficult to identify which buttons were marked with a coloured ring for that very purpose. Having realised that, everything became easy to understand.

What this process has demonstrated for me is the awe inspiring multi-layered depth of detail you have incorporated into your website, and I’m sure that there is much more that I haven’t yet discovered. You must have invested an enormous amount of time in the project and I hope you are very happy with the result.

Congratulations and thank you.
I’ve been trying to understand the so-called ‘Minor seventh hack’ and it’s your website that has enabled me to understand which bass buttons to press, and why, to get the minor sevenths. I’ve even put together a simple little table for quick reference until they stick in my memory. It’s all down to your explanations with graphics. It’s evident that there are a number of other Stradella chord combinations to explore in the future.

My eyesight needs the assistance of a sight test and a pair of new spectacles which is why, at first, I found it difficult to identify which buttons were marked with a coloured ring for that very purpose. Having realised that, everything became easy to understand.

What this process has demonstrated for me is the awe inspiring multi-layered depth of detail you have incorporated into your website, and I’m sure that there is much more that I haven’t yet discovered. You must have invested an enormous amount of time in the project and I hope you are very happy with the result.

Congratulations and thank you.

Thank you for your feedback, Rodney. I truly value your comment.

Creating and maintaining a website like mine does indeed require a significant amount of effort and dedication. In fact, I've recently invested even more energy into expanding its scope to cater to all musicians who play piano keyboard instruments.

I believe the new content delves deeper into various aspects of music theory, harmony, and chord progressions, which could serve as a valuable complement to AccordionChords.com.

I invite you to explore the additions on the website at https://chordsaround.com. I'm hopeful that you'll find something of interest there.

Thank you once again for your support and encouragement.
These sites are amazing!