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Mundinger accordions

Yes, that's the story. Also, Sonola was purchased by Guerrini in 1971. This was the end of the original Sonola company.
I kind of inherited a Mundinger from my sister, its a nice starter instrument:

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I wonder if the Mundinger's are as good as the equivalent Sonola model? Are they identical, or similar? Is there a Sonola model that matches each Mundinger model?
Their construction was exactly the same as all the models of both went down the same assembly line. Only colors & badges differed.
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I don't know about other Mundingers, but this one has a clean sweet sound and tuned A=440.
I have a Mundinger Artist, which is a Sonola SS20 with a Mundinger grille. It's from the early 1960s, has a bone-shaking low-G bass (which I'm told was likely a modification at some point from the traditional low-C) and the most wonderful MM reeds I've ever heard, tuned just a hair apart.