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mp3 playback problem

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does anything jump out at anyone with regards to this problem

i played a mp3 music file on my oldish pc and didnt work :(

i played it on a newer laptop and did work :)

i prefer to playback on my pc
I've had problems with certain file extensions on Windows Media Player in the past. Have you tried changing it to a different format, e.g. wma?
Needs a logical approach, Dave:
Do MP3s now not work on the PC? Or just this one doesn't? What 'player'? Is the bar moving along but no sound?

Windows updates sometimes affect settings (much to my ire)? What OpSys, XP?
not xp or vista

laptop is vista

think windows 9 - (pro I think)

I need to checkout the other questions as cant remember playing other mp3 stuff

unsure if same problem
but do remember while ago that on one site some songs played on windows media player but others didn't - to correct this I would e-send the file to a friend (who would unzip it i think) and send it back - when returned I could right click and open which is something I couldn't originally do before e sending

also I don't know how to change formats eg wma ?
Soulsaver said:
What player? Is the bar moving along but no sound?

windows media player

and yes look s like works as timer counts down but no sound
It's not windows 9 OS - not there yet. Do you mean Windows 98?
sorry meant to put

microsoft office enterprise 2007
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