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Live at Edelweiss Biergarten in Phoenix

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Hmmmm, says I I have to log in to youtube becsuse it might be age inappropriate. Is it, or is that a setting you hit by mistake?
Tom said:
Hmmmm, says I I have to log in to youtube becsuse it might be age inappropriate. Is it, or is that a setting you hit by mistake?

Try it again. I fixed it!
Great! Looks like a good time, thanks!
Good stuff Larry!

Yeah, YouTube is getting a bit weird lately... you now must adjust EACH video that you upload to say it is not meant for kids... if you don't, it interferes with a whole bunch of stuff.
JerryPH said:
Good stuff Larry!

Yeah, YouTube is getting a bit weird lately... you now must adjust EACH video that you upload to say it is not meant for kids... if you don't, it interferes with a whole bunch of stuff.

Thanks Jerry...
Yes, youtube is weird...lately?
JerryPH said:
Good stuff Larry!

Yeah, YouTube is getting a bit weird lately... you now must adjust EACH video that you upload to say it is not meant for kids... if you don't, it interferes with a whole bunch of stuff.

I believe that this is in not true. You can state that every video you upload is not mean for kids and then it applies to past and future videos. I believe all my videos are always viewable while also for my latest ones I have not explicitly stated again that they are not for kids.
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