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Stephen Hawkins said:
Hi Dingo,

Call me an old sceptic if you like, but the opinion of one doctor isn't quite enough for me.  

RMS Titanic complied with all of the Board of Transport regulations at the time of her launch, and was said to be "unsinkable."  History teaches us that was not, in fact, the case.

I hope that I am wrong and the doctor is right, but "whoops, we got that wrong" may come too late for some vulnerable people.

Keep Safe,



I read an account of the sinking which suggested that it was caused by a millionaire passenger who demanded that he had "whisky on the rocks", and they had run out of ice in the bar. 

Belfast was the home of the Titanic, but it is also home to the Belfast sink. Surely the clue was there all along?
Hi Dingo & John,

You see how important existentialism is in all this !!!! We have (or should have) the intellectual capacity to determine which experts are closest to the truth. To aid our deductive powers, simply add a healthy touch of cynicism to the thought processes. (or flip a coin.)

Kind Regards,

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