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Custom User Sets from FR8x to FR4x


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2017
Reaction score
Maybe someone tried this option? Is it possible to use files from FR8x in FR4x? I mean user SETs settings with the extension .ST8. Probably just need to change the extension to .ST4
Right hand settings should work. The bass side may require adjustments due to ORCH2, which the FR4x does not have.
Has anyone tried this?
Yes it is possible by just changing the name of the extension. Where it starts to fail is when the identifiers of the instruments on one side are not named the same or do not exist on the other side in exactly the same manner. Then you get errors that need to be adjusted in the editor.

I took the FR-4X Alpine UPGs from Roland that do not exist for the 8X and applied them to my 8X. There were many errors, I fixed a couple of them for testing purposes successfully. I can only assume that the process is the same when reversed from 8X to 4X but there is additional worked needed to address the issues, its not a simple transfer without issues. Some people prefer to not do this due to the additional time needed to fix the errors and feel it is faster to program the UPGs themselves... I kind of don't believe that... lol
Thank you Jerry - I'll try it :)