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Charles Magnante

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Gene posted his clip playing 'Waltz Allegro' by Charles Magnante, and I found it really inspiring. I've been looking for it as piece I want to practice. It's one of those goals I can aim for. I was blown away to find out two fingers on his left hand were missing. I don't think I'll ever complain about left hand difficulty again!

However I can't find it. not at the library or on the internet. Can anyone redirect me to where I can get it?

I haven't seen those Arpeggio accordions before, they appear to be a well made instruments. Does anyone else have one?


There is a guy on ebay selling digital copies of it. It is in one of the cd collections,#4 if I recall.
They appear to be good scans of the originals.
<COLOR color=#0000FF><FONT font=Garamond><SIZE size=125>Nathen - Please email me through my website: http://www.oliveblossoms.com .
Thanks fjsys and Zevy, I appreciate your responses.

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