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Celluloid problem

Nice rock! I’ll trade you a B Griff for it, but you gotta deliver.
How about a free base in poor condition for some smaller rocks. I want to develop repair skills.

That rock conveniently split into two parts when I pried it out of the ground with the skid steer but the rounded upper half was still too way heavy to lift with anything I have. I ended up prying it up and rolling it to its current resting position - a nice end piece for row of 30 tons of rocks dug from the same area.

I found a great use for big rocks when pouring concrete slabs or building on fill. I dug up several maybe 3x4x5’ and positioned two where one end was seated solidly on undisturbed ground but positioned so the upper end would extend a few inches into the bottom of the 6” concrete slab near the corner of my shop that was built on about 4’ of fill, compacting gravel and red clay around it. That, plus rebar on 12” centers PLUS an insanely over-designed grade beam made for a solid corner. My architect and builder friends say “fill always settles“ but I’m convinced this corner would still support the building and contents even if the dirt below somehow washed away!

I’/ve buried big rocks in three places now to support structures built on fill with no failures yet in 15 years.

Sorry, no deliveries on big rocks (I have a two much bigger than that!) I can’t even move them without rolling or hiring BIG equipment and then there is still the problem of how to unload and position at the destination, My dump trailer will handle about 14000 lbs but can you IMAGINE the fun if a big rock got away from us when unloading!!

BTW. this much smaller rock is about the biggest I can handle gracefully, and even with it I back down hills for stability. I filled a big hole with this and about 10 others rocks before paving over a huge hole left after digging out a pine tree that was too close to the driveway.


(can you guess that playing in the dirt is one of my favorite hobbies?)
(and how’s that veering for off topic…)
Unfortunately I have no free bass (except the Roland and I haven’t delved into that yet). Yeah, many of my best times were moving rocks. I don’t have the machines that you do though, very nice!