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Arrigo Tomasi website, anyone has a subscription here? I have a question.

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Active member
Oct 12, 2020
Reaction score
Norfolk, Nebraska, USA
Hi, anyone around here is a subscriptor to the Arrigo Tomasi web site? I have a question about the PlayAlongs...do all them have that option to slow them down, like the free sample in his page? Thanks.
All you tube videos can be slowed down... Go to the little cog bottom right corner and click to open options.... Good luck
Losthobos, that would work for the audio section but I would miss the sheet music which is blocked every few seconds. Thank you anyway!
I'm a subscriber and I didn't know you could do that! However, as most of the playalongs are way too fast for me I have used Audacity to slow them down and I then playalong after printing off the sheet music.
I am very happy if I can play the basic tune - the improvisations are way beyond my level.
The subscription is excellent value for the music you can then access, both mp3s and print outs. New tunes are constantly being added and once you've paid, that's it!
I'd be interested in others' experiences.
I'm a subscriber and I didn't know you could do that! However, as most of the playalongs are way too fast for me I have used Audacity to slow them down and I then playalong after printing off the sheet music.
I am very happy if I can play the basic tune - the improvisations are way beyond my level.
The subscription is excellent value for the music you can then access, both mp3s and print outs. New tunes are constantly being added and once you've paid, that's it!
I'd be interested in others' experiences.
W, in the free example they give there are a - and + on the bottom to change speed. Can you confirm if they work for most of the playalongs? Thanks!
W, in the free example they give there are a - and + on the bottom to change speed. Can you confirm if they work for most of the playalongs? Thanks!
The answer to your question is No because you are not presented with this option on any other tune except Someday my prince will come.
My mistake, now I realized that they say you would need the program "Transcribe! in order to do that. I really appreciate your answer, thank you and good luck.
I have never heard of Transcribe. I assume the pitch remains the same?
Nearly all the tunes are played too fast, but having said that you've only the right hand to sight read and you aren't playing anything at all with your left hand so you can concentrate on the bellows.
I use Audacity to slow down music; it's good and free. To slow down the video and audio together so one can "play along" with the sheet music section, probably transcribe! and other programs are able to do that. And yes, pitch won't change when you slow down the music.
I know this is not an answer, but at 20 euro for 6 months that's a whole lot of music for the money - dozens of tunes.
I haven't renewed my subs but only because I don't have the time to make use of it for now.
Tunes have several pages of impro - you take as much or as little as you like.
Even without the impro I thought it was great value.
I use Audacity to slow down music; it's good and free. To slow down the video and audio together so one can "play along" with the sheet music section, probably transcribe! and other programs are able to do that. And yes, pitch won't change when you slow down the music.
I did mention previously that I use Audacity to slow down the audio only. I didn't realise that there is software that will slow down video and audio together. I will give that a go. Thanks.
Great site....I belonged about 2 years ago. Have not rejoined...just downloading the free versions right now. As someone said, the advanced versions can be quite tricky. I can play some of them but have not put the effort into learning his improvisation on others....use my own. he does an excellent job of using chords on left hand, learned a few new ones from him....or at least re-remembered them from my much younger days.
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