• If you haven't done so already, please add a location to your profile. This helps when people are trying to assist you, suggest resources, etc. Thanks
  • We're having a little contest, running until 15th May. Please feel free to enter - see the thread in the "I Did That" section of the forum. Don't be shy, have a go!

anonymouse persons!

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george garside

Prolific poster
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
I know some individuals , for reasons I can't understand , prefer to masquerade as '' buggerlugs'', ''shyTalk'' '' Rsole'' or some other daft pseudonym but surely its more friendly to use your own name on a forum such as this..

I also think it to be of possible mutual benefit to give some clue of ones location, at least the country and the town. This would facilitate getting meeting up with other box players , offering help etc etc if desired but would retain privacy for those who prefer not to meet other box players face to face. It would also make it eaier to direct people to accordion resouces on a local basis as informing somebody in ,say, Canada that their is a session in , saahy, Hudderssfield would be of no help etc etc.

George Garside (who is what it says on the tin on all the forums he uses) :)
Fair comment.
If you put the second half of my user name(G4OTU) into Google the first few on the list will tell you all about me...probably more than you want to know. G4OTU is an Amateur Radio callsign issued by the government...and I have used "daveg4otu" as my online ID since 1998 .

george garside said:
I know some individuals , for reasons I can't understand , prefer to masquerade

You don't have to understand it George, but lets respect that we have the choice - the internet gives us the choice to be anonymous or not, disclose our names and locations or not, and members of this forum have that choice. If members want to meet up and have location based discussion that's great, but no one should feel pressured to disclose any information they're not comfortable with for any reason. It's a totally personal and individual choice!
The usual consensus seems to be, no real harm done either way. I'm happy to use my name. But not on melodeon.net because there is a West Country melodeon player of the same name who is apparently very good, and it wouldn't be fair to link him to my amateurish efforts.

Now location is very helpful context, but obviously it could be misleading in some cases, e.g. You might live in Paraguay but really be from Uruguay. To each their own.
Pippa said:
george garside said:
I know some individuals , for reasons I cant understand , prefer to masquerade

, but no one should feel pressured to disclose any information theyre not comfortable with for any reason. Its a totally personal and individual choice!

I absolutely agree Pippa - its just one of my foibles!

As far as I can see George, your profile gives no clue as to where you are from.
I'm assuming UK somewhere. :?:
Glenn said:
As far as I can see George, your profile gives no clue as to where you are from.
Im assuming UK somewhere. :?:

Thanks for pointing that out Glenn - the omission was an oversight on my part . Now rectified ( I live on the Isle of Anglesey, North Wales.)

Hey George, it's one of my foibles as well. Knowing the location of members gives you a sense of their cultural, and perhaps musical, orientation.

Ok, a person might be from somewhere else, however, that can be rectified by saying that in your intro to the forum. I, for example stated somewhere that I spent my first 22 years in S.W. London (Tooting, not that far from Anyanka) before leaving to seek my fortune in the big wide world.

I also noticed that I didn't have my full name (which I usually do) as a user name, which I have rectified by adding to my personal message at the bottom of my posts. Google me at your peril.

I just would like to know where my fellow musicans are, especially on this side of the pond. Don't worry, I'm not going to stalk anyone, or look you up! Alright, some people are shy, someone did explain what that means, but I didn't get it!!! Come on everyone, 'fess up to where you are, we won't tell anyone else... maybe, but only if you're good...

Funny user names are ok, but somewhere we should know the real name behind the 'Super Hero' name. Like Jarvo, who is Chris. Others? Hey, don't feel pressured, I'm just a pushy type and it's ok to tell me to back off. I've already got so much from this forum, why should I badger members for more. Still.....

Nathen - I was at Chester folk Festival today and was talking to a chap from your side of the pond - a morris man from new York over here on holiday.

I think you have to respect the fact that we don't all wish to give our full names and addresses.

If we ever meet, you'll soon find out and people living fairly locally to me will have a pretty good idea. Some of us have less comon names which we wouldn't necessarily like to be displayed all around the WWW.

Also, if any of us say anything outrageous or offensive, the moderators have the right to censor us or even expel us from the forum.
Having spent 32 years in Her Majesties Prison Service ( I should stress as a keyholder :tup: ) I have a very good reason not to give out too much personal detail on the net....and it is not paranoia but a healthy sense of personal security and professionalism. It is also what we are advised and trained to do...

If you have a problem with people withholding the intimate details that they are not comfortable with disclosing ,then that's your problem, but understand that it is not a malicious or "clever" thing, it is just an individuals comfort zone.........that's all
I appreciate it when people take the trouble to add the location information to their profile. I don't need a street address, but some general regional location is nice.

I have been pretty fastidious about my name, though. Not that I have any illusion that I'm thoroughly cloaked here, but I've generally used my full name only with `professional' type stuff, so that in the increasingly unlikely case that anyone were to put my name in a web search the results would look all serious and professional like. Plus I don't want Nathen showing up on my doorstep.
I agree Donn, I wouldn't me showing up at my door either!!!

Even though you are only a two hour drive away, you can rest easy that you are safe. Even if I did have anyones full name and address, I'd never arrive uninvited. Even with an invite, chances of me showing up are practically zilch. Unles of course it's to go and see Anyanka in St. Ives!

So folks, you're all safe. Although I blather on at length, I'm pretty reclusive except for my wife and my daughters and their families. My own family has long since gone to their maker.

Privacy is a touchy subject, almost in a league with religion, politics and sex. But, to give ourselves due credit, no one blew their lid over this discussion.

Nathen Vanering
Great to know we're safe from you Nathen :p , but the internet is a public and inherently unsafe place. It's not so long since I was a teenage girl, and a member of many internet forums - you can see why I would use a pseudonym back then. Also while job hunting I would prefer not to be "googled" and have an employer end up at a forum I frequent. As Jarvo said he has his own reasons. It's not our place to question others on this matter - add all the detail you're comfortable with but PLEASE respect that there may be hundreds of reasons why other people won't do the same. It won't take many clicks from my profile to find my full name and a short bio if you're super interested.

Please, no calling anyone out on this matter, or questioning anyone, etc.
george makes some valid points (hello george) and so does everyone else for that matter and the idea of personalising the whole affair is great but more 'ideal world' situation i think with it being a virtual thing

also i believe george you raised this thread on the back of anxiety from your non pseudonym name being bandied about all over the place making you kind of a victim of your own success :|

i wish everyone would have that 'do what it says on the tin ' mentality but will never happen

if this was a private member only forum if such a thing exists then there would be more chance of a more personalised virtual place

actually this personalisation benefited me once - from seeing a location was able to get in contact with someone who lives about 5 miles from my house and pay him a fun visit (i was INVITED nathan :roll: )(an x old forum member who sadly hasnt found us yet,or probably chooses not to! - prob on melnet or somewhere!)

regards smdc66 aka david
jarvo said:
I have a very good reason not to give out too much personal detail on the net ... and it is not paranoia but a healthy sense of personal security and professionalism ... / ... understand that it is not a malicious or clever thing, it is just an individuals comfort zone.

Definitely agree with jarvo on this.
jarvo said:
I have a very good reason not to give out too much personal detail on the net ... and it is not paranoia but a healthy sense of personal security and professionalism ... / ... understand that it is not a malicious or clever thing, it is just an individuals comfort zone.

Definitely agree with jarvo on this.[/quote]

I definitely agree with him too and I also have a similar reason as I used to work in another organisation which was responsible for providing Jarvo with most of his custom :hb .
jarvo said:
I have a very good reason not to give out too much personal detail on the net ... and it is not paranoia but a healthy sense of personal security and professionalism ... / ... understand that it is not a malicious or clever thing, it is just an individuals comfort zone.

Definitely agree with jarvo on this.[/quote]

I definitely agree with him too and I also have a similar reason as I used to work in another organisation which was responsible for providing Jarvo with most of his custom :hb .[/quote]

Ayeaye....catchers and keepers comes to mind !
He could have been an Awful defence Barrister - they`d have kept you in business too :!:
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