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Alternative to Gasket Shellac for attaching leather valves?

You are dealing metal to metal, but I'd still be wary of any modern glue. Shellac adheres pretty well to metal and it's fully reversible with alcohol. That said, metal is hard to glue to, so most anything can probably be scraped off safely.

Given I have it around, I'd probably just soak a few flakes at a time in a teaspoon of alcohol to get the shellac, but it's all basically the same.
Various members are using footwear glue🙂
Indeed, I use Pattex shoe glue. Works very well for leather and synthetic valves. Stays just a little bit elastic, so it does not become brittle and let go. The only downside of shoe glue over for instance regular Pattex or Bostik is that it is a bit more stringy. You have to be careful to avoid the strings from touching the leathers, reed tongues or reed plates.