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Accordion straps and bellows changes


Apr 2, 2024
Reaction score
Colorado, United States of America
Hi everybody,
I have been enjoying the accordion so far, but i think something is up with the accordion straps. How are they supposed to fit? Plus, there is a screw on where the straps on the top side that holds the thingies that the straps connect to, and it is letting my accordion go all over the place when I close the bellows if I am not holding onto it with my RH thumb. (I have a 3 row Etude Bayan.) Can I tighten this screw thing? Bellows changes: how do I get them to be smooth and unnoticeable when I am holding a long note/chord? Thanks!
Plus, there is a screw on where the straps on the top side that holds the thingies that the straps connect to, and it is letting my accordion go all over the place when I close the bellows if I am not holding onto it with my RH thumb
A picture would be very helpful; I have some difficulty imagining what you mean.
As a beginner of about 14 months 'experience' (ha!), I sympathise with the ......smooth and unnoticeable when I am holding a long note/chord......you don't !!!!! You have to sort/mark/otherwise annotate your music so it includes bellows changes as well as fingering/dynamics etc. Some say play a phrase and change bellows....others change every couple of bars but when you have a phrase that ends with along held ff chord, you have to break the phrase up.......... The most helpful advice I was given for bellows changes - and here I'm going to go with phrases - was: play the phrase and STOP. Change direction and play the next phrase and STOP. Play the phrase and STOP...........till you get it - ha! So you may have to work on sort of play 2 bars STOP.....2 bars STOP.....chord STOP. Have fun n keep noodlin'
As a beginner of about 14 months 'experience' (ha!), I sympathise with the ......smooth and unnoticeable when I am holding a long note/chord......you don't !!!!! You have to sort/mark/otherwise annotate your music so it includes bellows changes as well as fingering/dynamics etc. Some say play a phrase and change bellows....others change every couple of bars but when you have a phrase that ends with along held ff chord, you have to break the phrase up.......... The most helpful advice I was given for bellows changes - and here I'm going to go with phrases - was: play the phrase and STOP. Change direction and play the next phrase and STOP. Play the phrase and STOP...........till you get it - ha! So you may have to work on sort of play 2 bars STOP.....2 bars STOP.....chord STOP. Have fun n keep noodlin'
Thanks! That would make sense if you play a phrase and then change bellows.
This is an unusual strap joint. It may move or stay tight. Probably moves a little bit sideways. Round shaped bass strap adjuster adjusts the hand strap according to your hand size and preference. Its generally suggested you tighten without too much, but tight. Straps are suggested as (your) left strap (bass side) is tight and right strap is a little loose to get in.
Sorry, I haven't seen this kind of bracket before.
Neither have I 🤔
As far as the bass strap goes, a bit looser than too tight is good. You make the final adjustments by arching (or "propping") your hand and wrist between the bass strap and the accordion.
This allows your hand to slide easily up and down the bass board or to take up the slack as required instant to instant.🙂
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