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Accordion Roland fr4x special upgraded with three microphones and Android (youtube) on aux 😀

I love the receipt - now people can deduct it from their taxes...

so why the three mikes?

I guess they are routed to different fx dedicated to specific songs?
Three microphones are mounted, one is for unison singing and the other two go to two vocoders that stick the upper and lower thirds to my voice
As in an equalizer or for purposes of a harmonization effect?
Either way interesting and innovative! :)

EDIT: A fast google found this:

In the region of the Western Balkans, folk music is also characterized by the fact that songs are sung in two voices.
The first voice sings the basic melody, and the second voice follows with a lower third, a sixth, a higher third depending on the harmonization and style of the song. In my case, I connected two vocalists, the upper third was activated on one, and the lower third on the other. The vocalists read the harmony from the bass - the left side of the accordion.
The thirds have a slight delay to make the sound image more natural.
In my onemandband performance, I use six channels on the mixtape.
Three microphones plus two channels for Roland fr4x, especially the bass, especially the keyboard, and a fourth microphone if one of the guests wants to sing. 😀