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Airturn bt200s and Bk7m

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All of you "technical " people are amazing with your ability to analyze these various aspects to make them work together. It's very impressive that you have a basis to troubleshoot these challenges and to turn an issue into an opportunity.

I'm trying to find a way to adapt what I've seen on this forum to work with Android. I currently use the technology manually, but think that integrating the saved shortcuts would be a super solution. I just don’t want to invest thousands more when I already have most of the technology because I own the Bk7m, the Fr8x and the Airturn bt-105 pedal which would be used to turn pages. I also own an 8 port Mackie mixer so I believe that the basis is in place.

Thanks for the inspiration and your instructions and insights on how these puzzle pieces fit together.
All of you "technical " people are amazing with your ability to analyze these various aspects to make them work together. It's very impressive that you have a basis to troubleshoot these challenges and to turn an issue into an opportunity.

I'm trying to find a way to adapt what I've seen on this forum to work with Android. I currently use the technology manually, but think that integrating the saved shortcuts would be a super solution. I just don’t want to invest thousands more when I already have most of the technology because I own the Bk7m, the Fr8x and the Airturn bt-105 pedal which would be used to turn pages. I also own an 8 port Mackie mixer so I believe that the basis is in place.

Thanks for the inspiration and your instructions and insights on how these puzzle pieces fit together.
Keep posting your ideas, they're an inspiration
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