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Unusual Bass Configuration on this Guilietti

Mike K

Active member
Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score
Richmond, VA USA
Is that a 5 row bassetti above the stradella? just saw it for sale on reverb. not that I am going to buy it.
I don't know the model - to me it looks like a free-bass system (aka MIII).
(y) You're a living accordion encyclopaedia Paul.
Nah, that would be JimD. I keep feeling there is so little I know... and so much more to learn... maybe I will know enough when I reach 100...

To me the astounding collective wizardry here makes this forum feel like the
wikiaccordipianofreebayanchromatistradellows gravity well of knowledge.
I feel like a newly hatched chick watching an andean condor soar high above.
And yes, like much of life: so many wonderful things to learn and so little time.

Life is better than good.
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Reactions: Tom
To me the astounding collective wizardry here makes this forum feel like the
wikiaccordipianofreebayanchromatistradellows gravity well of knowledge.
I feel like a newly hatched chick watching an andean condor soar high above.
And yes, like much of life: so many wonderful things to learn and so little time.

Life is better than good.

"...and so little time."

Would it have been that we were fully aware of that when still young.
(Written in Shakesperian English)
