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Titano Tiger on eBay (as of 11/30/23)


Prolific poster
Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score
Nashville, TN, USA
Not my listing, but it popped up in my alerts, so I thought I'd pass it along. Nice-looking red Tiger that apparently needs a few repairs (they don't seem too major in my admittedly inexpert opinion). If the bidding doesn't get much higher than the starting price of $250, might be worth it for somebody who's handy and brave enough to buy a pig-in-a-poke:

Years ago I sold one of these to a student in Portugal. I don't remember whether it survived the journey well. It had the high reeds in 5ths rather than an octave up.
I have rebuilt a few of these. This is the painted model, not the celluloid model so they are prone to cracks on the sides of the keyboard if handled roughly.
Yep, this is the 36-key, right? I have one in a delightful cobalt-blue, with a red bellows. They are so great for gigs at parties or theater performance. People just love them.

I acquired mine shortly after getting into PA in the later '90s, from a very odd older gentleman who was selling flotsam and jetsam out of his suburban garage that was crammed floor to ceiling with odds, ends, and sundries that appeared to be picked up from yard sales. Those were the pre-Craiglist days of hard-copy weekly shoppers such as The Recycler. I drove around an hour to look at a 2-voice 37-key Contello and was unable to leave without taking this one too after laying eyes on it. I think they were $175 or $200 each. The Tiger was in perfect shape.
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Not my listing, but it popped up in my alerts, so I thought I'd pass it along. Nice-looking red Tiger that apparently needs a few repairs (they don't seem too major in my admittedly inexpert opinion). If the bidding doesn't get much higher than the starting price of $250, might be worth it for somebody who's handy and brave enough to buy a pig-in-a-poke:

I played-tested on one of these (a 41/120) yesterday in House of Musical Traditions in Takoma Park MD... it is interesting and odd, particularly the "Blues" register which apparently has a "blues-bending" sound tuned in... but it just wasn't quite what I was looking for and ended up with a Camerano (a standard accordion made by Scandalli in Camerano??? (I just read that somewhere a minute ago and it definitely could be apocryphal)... which is a much lighter accordion than the bright painted Titano oddity and with a much lighter price for my learner budget. I don't need the pickups but for someone looking for retro sixties electric instrument oriented and showy weird one this would be perfect. The paint where the strap buckles rub was touched up and the paint was the second reason I went for the Camerano.