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The Mighty Accordion book


Active member
Dec 24, 2021
Reaction score
South Lanarkshire, Scotland
Anyone here working through The Mighty Accordion book by David Digiuseppe? This is a course for the left hand. I have worked through to exercise 3.8. using the book and the downloadable mp3 files. There is a long way to go but I'm wondering if any here have gone as far as exercise 6.20?
Hello Beemer. I WAS working through the Mighty Accordion (book 1) but didn’t get too far when a left shoulder accident required surgery, putting an extended pause on my practice. I’m sorry, but I don’t remember which exercise number I got to before I had to quit. (When I find where I stashed the book I’ll take a look.) As a piano player the PA side of the accordion is not problem but my initial experience with the left hand was a disaster - the exercises in the book were proving to be a huge help!

The Mighty Accordion book was recommended to me by Mike at Liberty Bellows when I mentioned, as a beginner, I found learning the Stradella bass more than challenging. It is an amazing book and exactly what I needed. I also bought volume 2 (left hand melodies, walking bass, etc) which I’m looking forward to - I’m having serious withdrawal symptoms! And if at some point you might want additional bass material, about a month ago someone here recommended the book Adventures in Bass-Land by John Caruso - it has what look like good exercises and a couple dozen songs. I haven’t tried any but from sight reading the scores they “sound” good. Can’t wait to get back to all this in a few months.

I found where I put my accordion books - I can’t believe it, I actually organized them and put them in an expandable case.

Looks like I hadn’t gotten much further than you when I had to quit - I had just started chapter 4, incorporation the minor chords. I see that chapter 6 gets into the counter bass, which I had already been using to practice scales.
