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Something for a rainy day?๐Ÿค”

where do you FIND these things??

Whatโ€™s up next, an origami crane quartet? Trained bee choir? I wish I could find the animated mosquito song and aerial dance from SIGGRAPH Animation Theater sometime in the โ€˜90s
Oh, I found it - a short animation from 2002.

A bit of background - for years I attended the annual SIGGRAPH conferences and the Animation Theater was a compilation of some of the best, most clever, or otherwise notable short animations submitted that year. Some were stupid; some thought-provoking, some funny, some amazing. (Imagine a huge theater packed with several thousand sometimes rowdy geeks watching animations on an iMax sized screen for maybe an hour and a half)

I really liked this one, #16, โ€œMosquitoโ€ very short.
Video should start at 26:34 if I did it right.
