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Problem with stored accordion

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I have an old italian 5-row cba. I've been particulary busy and didn't play it for like 6 months. It sat in it's case in my house. Today I opened it and the billows is not as strong, and there's maybe 3 notes that play in all registers in and out without pressing any buttons. Any ideas what may have gone wrong? Heat? Wax? I know optimally it should be played and not stored :(
The 2 worse places to store an accordion is in the attic and garage.
My guess is curled up leathers. And maybe the gasket dried up if leather or shrunk.
goldtopia said:
The 2 worse places to store an accordion is in the attic and garage.

So 20+ years in a damp cellar is better than 6 months in an attic or garage I guess.
I hear storage in submarines is ill advised.
At least after 20 years of storage underground, my Silvertone/Scandalli only makes noise when I push the keys/buttons. (but it IS a VERY basic accordion...fewer moving parts)

Good luck, booeyschewy.
Not always practical, but storage out of its case, protected from dust (under a towel etc) in a normal room (not loft, basement, bathroom, or garage (unless dry & warm)) is best.
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