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losthobos pid=65410 dateline=1558943142 said:
Enjoyed this gig... Misty... Great lead guitarist... First time wed met... Hope to blow with him again... 
Hope link works... ?

Hi Terry,

Had a bit of trouble with the link, but it played eventually. 

Looks like youre getting very near the mark now, and I enjoyed that track very much. Lead guitarist stole the show, as you hinted, but hopefully you got some good ideas from him. Ive never been able to get my head around anything but the basics in jazz, and gypsy jazz requires a degree of dedication and ability that I just dont have.   

Im not on here very often these days, but saw your post and decided to have a look in. 

In your early days of posting on this board I often felt you sometimes needed to up the tempo, and youve certainly done that now. 

Very well done indeed, and next time well maybe hear you playing the lead bit!
Lookin' good!
Looks good. The start was a bit rough (not both in the same key?) but after that it got going well. Looks like you have some part of a drum kit missing under your left foot though.
Hey this was great! Very nice! Thank you for posting. I love these.

I do have some critique for you, however. I'm going to need to show you how to take a sip of beer while playing. :)
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