• If you haven't done so already, please add a location to your profile. This helps when people are trying to assist you, suggest resources, etc. Thanks
  • We're having a little contest, running until 15th May. Please feel free to enter - see the thread in the "I Did That" section of the forum. Don't be shy, have a go!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you!🙂

Merry Christmas to accordionists everywhere, especially the ones who found the Forum.

Yes!! From the farm in TN, wishing for a wonderful Christmas to this unique group.

And to all those who make music other ways too, by voice, string, wind, keyboard, drum, and kazoo.
And to the composers, arrangers, and the studios and video wizards that bring the magic to us.

And especially to all the spouses and families who graciously tolerate the hours of monotonous repetition called practice!

Yes!! From the farm in TN, wishing for a wonderful Christmas to this unique group.

And to all those who make music other ways too, by voice, string, wind, keyboard, drum, and kazoo.
And to the composers, arrangers, and the studios and video wizards that bring the magic to us.

And especially to all the spouses and families who graciously tolerate the hours of monotonous repetition called practice!


Amen ...for all those poor spouses who have endured much for the advance of the Cause.