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Lakeman brothers cover

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Jim the box

I got together with a few mates to see if we could make up a band a few years back but nothing became of it, I feature in there somewhere.

Its a nice little tune although no-one my end seems to know the name other than the Lakeman brothers played it. If anyone knows the name?

Enjoy :D
I went a bit mad and there are now three on the site. ;)

I'm sorry I cannot remember names of tunes, again if anyone can help. :?:
Very nice music Jim. I'd be happy to hear more.
Particularly like the third one.
Ive added three more tunes with my wife playing the fiddle.

The style is completely different to the other three added previously.

Hi Jim,

I don't see them on your Soundcloud.
The counter is still "stuck at 3"....
Maybe you made them private of something.
Soundcloud can be such a ....at the risk of offending the sensibilities of the Moderater Monsters and Demons....Bitch, sometimes........there said it........!

Does anyone know of a similar site .....

I am on Macjams myself.......... but that you have to be a member to post.....it's a fun community/site though........

(edit) Sorry. Did not mean to trample all over your thread ,not what I came to do .....nice sounds going on there.

Afraid I do not recognise the tune either ....hate it when that happens. :hb

Jarvo :ch
Glenn said:
I dont see them on your Soundcloud.
The counter is still stuck at 3....
Maybe you made them private of something.

Oops my bad, settings as Glenn surmised set to private :oops:
Nothing to do with Soundcloud (at least not this time). :)

Sorry, im still getting to grips with Soundcloud. :hb
Thanks Jim. Some really scotish Scotish tunes.
Nicely played and definitely very danceable.
Sounds great playing together.
Do you play together in public?
Glenn said:
Thanks Jim. Some really scotish Scotish tunes.
Nicely played and definitely very danceable.
Sounds great playing together.
Do you play together in public?

Glad you liked the tunes Glenn, this should answer your question -

We should really practice together at home but I tend to do my thing and she hers (less arguments). :ch
Ah. So I see you do big time.
Does your wife call the dances?
The last Burns night I went to had a great accordion player with as keyboard accompanyment which sounded pretty good.
Glenn said:
Ah. So I see you do big time.
Does your wife call the dances?
The last Burns night I went to had a great accordion player with as keyboard accompanyment which sounded pretty good.

The big time eh?
Unfortunately not enough to give up the day job, but enough for lots of pocket money. :D

My wife is an R.S.C.D.S teacher but the Scottish dances are walked first with instruction from an M.C.
Burns night time of the year is very busy.
Jim the box said:
Ive added three more tunes with my wife playing the fiddle.

The style is completely different to the other three added previously.

You thought you had but now you really have .....all very nice too.....want to buy some accordion shaped firewood ? I got some :lol:

Jim the box said:
Ive added three more tunes with my wife playing the fiddle.

The style is completely different to the other three added previously.

.....want to buy some accordion shaped firewood ? I got some :lol:


When I listen to top players I think exactly the same thing :?

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